一等婆媳:如母女般的親密 二等婆媳:如朋友般的尊重 三等婆媳:如君臣般的嚴肅 劣等婆媳:如冤家般的相聚 The first-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the intimate relationship between mother and daughter. The second-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the respectful relationship between friends. The third-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the imperious relationship of queen to subject. The fourth-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the spiteful relationship of two enemies. 一等父母:愛念子女,教以聖賢之道 二等父母:供給無乏,幫助成家立業 三等父母:溺愛寵信,任其游蕩非為 劣等父母:不教不養,經常凌虐施暴 The first-rte parents love their children and train them in the way of sages. The second-rate parents provide for their children's needs and help them establish families and businesses. The third-rate parents pamper their children and leave them to idle away. The fourth-rate parents do not train their children, but rather often mistreat them. 一等兒女:孝悌恭敬,晨昏定省 二等兒女:供親所需,敬業樂業 三等兒女:游閒疏懶,結交損友 劣等兒女:作奸犯科,忤親逆倫 The first-rate children show filial piety and address their parents morning and evening. The second-rate children work hard to fulfill their parents' needs. The third-rate children are lazy and make friends with bad people. The fourth-rate children do bad thing and disobey their parents. 一等丈夫,幽默說笑,助理家務 二等丈夫,喝茶看報,贊美太太 三等丈夫,氣勢凌人,嫌東嫌西 劣等丈夫,在外交際,游蕩不歸 The first-rate husband has a sense of humor and helps with chores. The second-rate husband enjoys tea with his newspaper,and praises his wife constantly. The third-rate husband is a bully and complainer. The fourth-rate husband revels with friends and returns home late. 一等太太,治家整潔,賢慧有德 二等太太,慰問丈夫,贊美辛勞 三等太太,唠叨不休,嫌怪家事 劣等太太,搬是弄非,制造事端 The first-rate wife is virtuous and keeps a neat home. The second-rate wife comforts and praises her husband. The third-rate wife is a nag and complainer. The fourth-rate wife gossips and makes trouble. 一等出家人:發菩提心,行菩薩道 二等出家人:發出離心,安分守道 三等出家人:攀緣世情,俗不可耐 劣等出家人:自私自利,不守清規 The first-rate monastice have Bodhi minds and walk the path of the Bodhisattva. The second-rate monastics aspire to be detached from worldly affairs,law-abiding,and content. The third-rate monastics are vulgar,and inclined to worldly affairs. The fourth-rate monastics are selfish,and reject pure precepts. 一等信徒:恭敬三寶,助宣文教 二等信徒:護法衛僧,正知正見 三等信徒:貢高我慢,自贊毀他 劣等信徒:正邪不分,謗僧毀法 The first-rate devotees honor the Triple Gem and help spread Buddhist teaching and education. The second-rate devotees shelter the Dharma and the Sangha out of right understanding of Buddhism. The third-rate devotees arrogantly praise themselves while slandering others. The fourth-rate devotees cannot tell the true from the corrupt, but slander the Sangha and the Dharma. 一等主管:關懷員工,尊重專業 二等主管:信任授權,人性管理 三等主管:官僚作風,氣勢凌人 劣等主管:疑心猜忌,不通人情 The first-rate managers care for their workers and respect their skills. The second-rate managers trust their workers to do their jobs. The third-rate managers are arrogant bureaucrats. The fourth-rate managers are jealous,suspicious, and inconsiderate. 一等員工:敬業樂群,忠勤作務 二等員工:認真負責,無愧操守 三等員工:偷懶怠情,胡混時光 劣等員工:制造事端,損人利己 The first-rate employees respect their jobs and co-workers,and are loyal and diligent in performance. The second-rate employees work hard and responsibly,and are moral in their conduct. The third-rate employees are lazy and waste time. The fourth-rate employees incite conflicts for their own gain but others' harm. 一等同事:互相尊重,推敬其能 二等同事:合作無間,互補互信 三等同事:孤僻獨行,自以為是 劣等同事:興風作浪,破壞好事 The first-rate colleagues respect and commend each other's abilities. The second-rate colleagues work well together,trusting and helping each other. The third-rate colleagues are egocentric loners who scorn the opinions of others. The fourth-rate colleagues are trouble-makers who undermine the achievements of others. 一等朋友:規過勸善,教以正道 二等朋友:患難與共,砌磋互勉 三等朋友:趨炎附勢,以勢利交 劣等朋友:吃喝玩樂,朋比為奸 The first-rate friends help correct your mistakes by showing you the right path. The second-rate friends encourage you and stay with you in adversity. The third-rate friends hang on influential people and are snobs to all the rest. The fourth-rate friends are dissolute,and lead the rest astray. 一等醫師:術德兼備,視病如親 二等醫師:醫術高明,不耐詢問 三等醫師:純為工作,毫無悲心 劣等醫師:態度輕忽,草菅人命 The first-rate doctors are skilled and virtuous,and treat their patients like family. The second-rate doctors,though skilled,don't tolerate their patients' queries. The third-rate doctors are without compassion. The fourth-rate doctors are careless and indifferent to human life. 一等護士:溫和耐煩,悉心照顧 二等護士:按時巡視,不虧職守 三等護士:公事公辦,不耐厭煩 劣等護士:晚娘面孔,脾氣暴躁 The first-rate nurses are kind and uncomplaining,and care well for patients. The second-rate nurses diligently watch the wards. The third-rate nurses lack patience and work strictly by the rules. The fourth-rate nurses are crabby,like stepmothers. 一等官員:勤政愛民,理性溝通 二等官員:操守清廉,潔身自愛 三等官員:吹牛拍馬,黨派營私 劣等官員:公器私用,仗勢欺人 The first-rate officials are diligent administrators who care about people and keep them informed. The second-rate officials conscientiously shield themselves from corruption. The third-rate officials boast and flatter,and conspire to reap the fruits of self-interest. The fourth-rate officials are bullies who use public property for their own gain. 一等秘書:主管所需,了若指掌 二等秘書:主管交待,及時配合 三等秘書:隨時提醒,猶常誤事 劣乖秘書:心不在焉,有錯不改 The first-rate secretaries anticipate their bosses' needs. The second-rate secretaries execute their bosses' instructions. The third-rate secretaries make many mistakes, and must always be admonished. The fourth-rate secretaries forget everything and never correct their mistakes. 一等律師:盡己所能,仗義伸冤 二等律師:態度親切,主動解疑 三等律師:只為賺錢,敷衍塞責 劣等律師:見錢眼開,罔顧道德 The first-rate lawyers are devoted to justice and the dismissal of false charges. The second-rate lawyers are devoted to their clients,and strive to solve their problems. The third-rate lawyers care only for the pay,and can't wait to get home. The fourth-rate lawyers have lost their honor in the struggle for personal gain. 一等警察:見義勇為,親民愛民 二等警察:盡忠職守,認真負責 三等警察:上班下班,人事周到 劣等警察:官腔十足,欺壓善良 The first-rate police are brave and love the people. The second-rate police are honest and hard-working. The third-rate police just punch a clock and get along by going along. The fourth-rate police are bullies and bureaucrats. 一等傳媒:正面報導,啟迪人心 二等傳媒:報導如實,客觀公正 三等傳媒:捕風捉影,主觀偏頗 劣等傳媒:扭曲事實,嘩眾取寵 The first-rate media file uplifting reports that make people happy. The second-rate media file reports that are objective and fair. The third-rate media file reports that are subjective and unsubstantiated. The fourth-rate media distort truth to gain attention and favor. 一等店員:老少無欺,顧主第一 二等店員:認真負責,服務親切 三等店員:態度冷淡,愛理不理 劣等店員:見到客人,就像債主 The first-rate shop clerks treat customers as guests,and never cheat. The second-rate shop clerks are earnest and kind. The third-rate shop clerks are cold and indifferent. The fourth-rate shop clerks treat customers like beggars. 一等司機:安全整潔,守法禮讓 二等司機:快慢得宜,遵守號志 三等司機:只會開車,不重規則 劣等司機:喜怒情緒,橫沖直撞 The first-rate drivers are careful,tidy,law-abiding,and courteous. The second-rate drivers obey sign and drive safely. The third-rate drivers ignore the rules. The fourth-rate drivers are emotional and erratic. 一等導游:常識豐富,熱情介紹 二等導游:平實親切,定點解說 三等導游:不苟言笑,所知有限 劣等導游:冷漠無趣,不知所雲 The first-rate tourist guides know their subject and take interest in their clients. The second-rate tourist guides are kind and open,and explain everything. The third-rate tourist guides know little and care less. The fourth-rate tourist guides are unintelligible,cold,and dour. 一等廚師:兼管六口鍋,氣定神閒 二等廚師:一人四個灶,猶能談笑 三等廚師:照顧二個爐,得需助手 劣等廚師:只管一爐灶,手忙腳亂 The first-rate cooks can manage six stoves without stress. The second-rate cooks can manage four stoves and tell jokes. The third-rate cooks can manage two stoves with help. The fourth-rate cooks can barely manage one stove. 一等義工:謙虛熱誠,真心奉獻 二等義工:耐勞耐煩,完成任務 三等義工:玩票性質,沒有信義 劣等義工:態度惡劣,沽名釣譽 The first-rate volunteers are modest,warm,and dedicated. The second-rate volunteers are patient and hard-working. The third-rate volunteers are indifferent and break promises. The fourth-rate volunteers are malicious and insulting. 一等人:很能干,也沒有脾氣 二等人:很能干,但脾氣很大 三等人:不能干,也沒有脾氣 劣等人:不能干,脾氣卻很大 The first-rate people are capable and even-tempered. The second-rate people are capable but hot-tempered. The third-rate people are not capable but even-tempered. 一等國家,國富民富 二等國家,國窮民富 三等國家,國富民窮 劣等國家,國窮民窮 The first-rate country and its people are rich. The second-rate country is poor,while the people are rich. The third-rate country is rich,while the people are poor. The fourth-rate country and its people are poor. 一等的學習:自己教育自己 二等的學習:朋友互相砥砺 三等的學習:等著老師教導 劣等的學習:拒絕所有言教 The first-rate learning is self-motivated. The second-rate learning comes of the encouragement of friends. The third-rate learning waits for the right teacher. The fourth-rate learning rejects all schooling. 一等根器的人,憑著崇高理想而行事 二等根器的人,憑著常識經驗而工作 三等根器的人,憑著自己需要而生活 劣等根器的人,憑著損人利己而苟存 The first-rate people act with sublime ideals. The second-rate people act with common sense according to their experiences. The third-rate people act according to their needs and desires. The fourth-rate people act to hurt others. 有慈悲有智慧,是一等人 有慈悲無智慧,是二等人 有智慧無慈悲,是三等人 無慈悲無智慧,是劣等人 The first-rate people are compassionate and intelligent. The second-rate people are compassionate but not intelligent. The third-rate people are intelligent but not compassionate. The fourth-rate people are neither compassionate nor intelligent. 兒女有慈母的教育,這是人生最幸福的事情 丈夫有賢妻的扶持,這是世間最美滿的境界 學生有良師的栽培,這是前途最有力的助緣 老師有英才的傳授,這是學界最美好的佳話 Best for children:a mother's tranining. Best for a husband:his wife's support. Best causes and conditions for a student:education by a master. Best happiness for a teacher:a former student's eminence. 公婆的微笑,是子孫的太陽 兒女的音聲,是父母的音樂 妻子的愛語,是丈夫的和風 丈夫的臂膀,是全家的依靠 Voices of children are music to parents. Grandchildren glow in the laughter of grandparents. Wives' endearments the dawn breeze for husbands. Fathers' embrace a refuge for families. 學習歡喜,會成為一個「歡喜佛」 學習自在,會成為一個「自在佛」 學習包容,會成為一個「包容佛」 學習圓通,會成為一個「圓通佛」 Learn to be happy to become a happy Buddha. Learn to be carefree to become a carefree Buddha. Learn to be tolerant to become a tolerant Buddha. Learn to be friendly to become a friehdly Buddha. 夫妻不和是兒女的不幸 兄弟阋牆是父母的傷痛 員工相爭是企業的損失 人民斗亂是國家的悲哀 It hurts children when parents are at odds. It hurts parents when children quarrel. It hurts a business when employees fight. It hurts the nation when citizens are discontent. 感情的交流,以公理正義為原則 語言的溝通,以體諒包容為雅量 人我的相處,以不違情理為自然 金錢的運用,以量入為出為正常 Act with righteousness. Speak with tolerance. Be friendly and behave rationally. Do not spend more than you have. 人生,不懼艱辛,要攀峰越嶺 人生,不怕疲累,要跋山涉水 人生,不惜身命,要出生入死 人生,不計危難,要赴湯蹈火 Don't be afraid of hardship: transcend it. Don't be afraid of exhaustion:keep going. Don't be afraid of danger:be daring. Don't be afraid of dying:seize your chance. 一切事業的成功,端賴人和的溝通 溝通人和的要點,必須彼此的互重 Business success requires harmony with others. The key to harmony is mutual respect. 看地理不如看心理 看地理不如重倫理 看地理不如講道理 盾地理不如信真理 It is better to cultivate the mind,empha-size moral principles,be rational,and believe in the truth than to seek advice from a fortune-teller. 平心靜氣,心情自然好 虛心謙下,人緣自然好 Patience and tranquility bring good feelings. Modesty brings good affinity. 得理而能饒人,是謂厚道,厚道則路寬 無理而又損人,是謂霸道,霸道則路窄 If you are right and forgiving,you are virtuous;virtue broadens your scope. If you are wrong and quarrelsome,you are bullying;bullying narrows your scope. 「講清楚,說明白」,是人際相處的妙方 「改心性,革陋習」,是自我進步的動力 Making everything clear is magic way to get along with people. Transforming your bad habits and thoughts accelerates your progress. 如得人意,卻不得我意 如得我意,卻不得人意 要得人如我意,除非我如人意 人人所得如意,大家萬事如意 To make others happy,we may have to suffer. To make us happy,others may have to suffer. Make others happy before we make ourselves happy. If everybody is happy,all will be well. 毋爭利而傷兄弟手足之天倫 毋自私而斷親朋摯友之情誼 毋貪吝而棄天道聖賢之仁慈 毋暴戾而壞國家社會之祥和 Don't fight your brothers and sisters for advantage. Don't hurt friends and family from selfishness. Don't deny others the compassion of the sages out of your greed and stinginess. Don't damage the harmony of society and country by violent acts. 做事要有計劃 用錢要有預算 修學要有目標 未來要有希望 Make a plan before you act. Make a budget before you use the money. Set a goal before you practice. Have a hope for the future. 就事論事,這是用人的原則 通情達理,這是處世的准則 榮辱與共,這是交友的法則 生死無懼,這是生活的理則 The way to treat people is to be fair. The way to live is to be intelligent and rational. The way to make friends is to share their honor and humiliation. The way to carry on is not to fear life or death. 在物質上能淡泊,則不為形役 在心性上能淡泊,則不為情困 在名利上能淡泊,則不為世遷 在情感上能淡泊,則不為境轉 When you are detached from possessions,from name and gain,from passions and troubled thoughts,you won't be discouraged by what may come. 寬可以容人 厚可以載物 勤可以補拙 儉可以卻貧 Magnanimity leads to tolerance. Tolerance leads to responsible actions. Diligence lets you reach your goal. Frugality will make you rich. 有德,人必尊之 有功,人必崇之 有容,人必附之 有量,人必從之 With virtue,you will be respected. With achievements,you will be adored. With magnanimity,you will be acclaimed. With tolerance,you will be followed. 遇事忍為妙,忍能解災厄 處世善為寶,善能增福報 Patience is a magic way to banish disaster. Kindness is a magic way to increase your merits. 懂得做事的人,要做「本份事」 懂得做人的人,要做「本份人」 Those who understand business perform well. Those who understand how to get along behave well. 勤奮不故意拖延 忍耐不顧忌怯弱 勇敢不過度自責 放下不計較得失 Work diligently and don't procrastinate. Be patient though you may be thought cowardly. Be brave and don't blame yourself too much. Be detached and surredner gain and loss. 居家要選好鄰 旅行要選好伴 求知要選善書 勵行要選益友 Choose good neightbors for living. Choose good companions for travel. Choose good books for knowledge. Choose good friends for practice. 世道坎坷,靠一「耐」字能通行 人心難測,靠一「誠」字能知交 When life is hard,patience helps. When people are hard to figure out,honesty helps win intimate friends. 飲食八分飽,精神才會好 講話留三分,日後好相見 To stay in good,spirts,don't overeat. To get along,don't speak harshly of others. 贊譽之詞可於人後言,聞者心喜 批評之話當於人前說,可免是非 Praising people behind their backs makes them happy. Criticizing people to their faces avoids gossip. 多一個朋友,自然少一個敵人 多一分努力,自然少一分挫敗 One more friend is one less enemy. A day of hard work is a day of satisfaction. 紅花必須要有綠葉的陪襯,才能顯出整體的美感 明月必須要有眾星的點綴,才能表現夜色的美麗 主管必須要有屬下的擁護,才能發揮集體的創作 個人必須要有大眾的性格,才能開展全面的人生 Ared flower needs green leaves to display the tree's beauty. A bright moon needs a sea of stars to display the night's beauty. A boss needs to get his subordinates working together to get the job done. A person needs the courage to embrace the mulititude to enjoy a full life. 冷靜傾聽,不只增加知識,而且受人歡迎 空談閒論,不只令人生厭,而且暴己之短 Patient listening expands your knowledge and makes you welcome. Empty talk and gossip show your shortcomings and make you unwelcome. 發心行道,自能聚合善緣 熱心助人,自能累積經驗 Aspiring to practice and cultivation helps accumulate good causes and conditions. Readiness to help broadens your experience. 物質的苦樂沒有標准 心中的自在才有價值 成功的定義因人而異 道德的圓成才是重要 A carefree mind is more valued than pleasure. Virtue is more valued than success in business. 「回響」是傳達心意最動聽的音聲 「附和」是表現善意最美好的禮物 Feedback is needed after you say what you think. Unanimity is the best sign of a good reception. 寧與君子理論,莫與小人計較 寧與智者吵架,不與愚者論道 Better to deal with a virtuous than a mean person. Better to debate a wise than a foolish person. 年年不忘春耕,自然能夠秋收 時時不離助人,自然能得人助 念念不起惡心,自然沒有業果 處處不攪人我,自然沒有是非 Spring planting leads to autuman harvest. Your helping hand always gains help from others. No evil mind: no karmic retribution. No discrimination: no gossip. 靜下來聆聽對方的音聲,是「溝通」的秘方 動起來幫助對方的需要,是「談判」的籌碼 Listening is the key to communicating. Helping is the key to negotiating. 海軍要與惡浪博斗 陸軍要在沙場奮戰 空軍要冒飛彈襲擊 裝甲要能後方供輸 全民要有心理武裝 Navy fights on the sea. Army fights on the land. Air force fights in the sky. All armed forces defend against attack. Logistical forces supply the front lines. All the people must be mentally armed. 不愁物質的匮乏,但做心靈的富翁 不怕世間的貧苦,但做自在的主人 Don't worry about scarcity: be rich in your mind. Don't worry about poverty: be your own master. 兒童是家庭未來的希望 少年是國家未來的主人 青年是人間未來的棟梁 老年是社會未來的典范 Chilren are the hope of the family. Youth will be the leaders of the country. Young men and women will be the elite of the world. The elderly will be the models for society. 肯定自己,才能向前 尊重別人,才有助緣 Self-recognition helps us move forward. Respecting others helps us obtain favorable conditions. 參學,參了還要學 學問,學了要會問 When you visit a new place,try to learn about it. Asking questions,you will learn. 除非不學,要學就要學會,否則絕不放棄 除非不問,要問就要問懂,否則絕不放棄 除非不想,要想就要想通,否則絕不放棄 除非不知,要知就要知透,否則絕不放棄 Unless you don't want to learn,learn deeply and never quit. Unless you don't want an answer,demand an answer and never quit. Unless you don't want to think,think until you understand and never quit. Unless you don't want to know,know it well and never quit. 決心可以使人不致半途而廢 毅力可以使人走上成功之路 Determination helps you reach your goal. Perseverance leads to success. 從長相來判斷一個人,不如從所學來判斷一個人 從所學來判斷一個人,不如從心志來判斷一個人 Judge people by their thoughts, not their smiles. Judge people by their intent, not their thoughts. 沒有機會的時候,廣結善緣 機會來的臨的時候,及時掌握 When there is nothing to do,at least make good affinity with others. But when the chance comes to act,seize it. 幼兒時,要重視禮貌的習慣,長大後才能受人喜愛 年輕時,要學會看書的習慣,年老時才容易度日 中年時,要培養修行的習慣,生活中才能懂得去來 老年時,要懂得保健的習慣,晨昏裡才能照顧自己 Training children in courtesy makes them welcome adults. Teaching children to read comforts their old age. Cultivate practice in middle age to live well. Care for yourself now to live nealthy in old age. 處世要有大無畏的勇敢 行事要有大格局的前瞻 做人要有大氣度的擔當 修行要有不退轉的精神 Conduct yourself with courage. Do business with vision. Shoulder your responsibility to society. Always practice. 溫言鼓舞,是最大的上進動力 包容諒解,是最佳的知心良友 Tender encouragement moves people farther. Tolerance and understanding are intimate friends. 事煩莫懼,可以化繁就簡 是非莫辯,可以改非為真 操守莫虧,可以清廉自持 因果莫負,可以事理一如 Don't be afraid of complex affairs; simplify them. Don't argue when wronged; change wrong to right. Be discreet and incorruptible. Follow the law of causality to realize the truth. 以平常心面對世事 以歡喜心學習接受 以服務心和人結緣 以感恩心回饋社會 Face the world with a peaceful mind. Accept adversity with joy in your mind. Make affinity with a mind to serve others. Repay society with a grateful mind. 團結必能和諧,和諧必須團結 分工必須合作,合作要能分工 Unity leads to harmony; harmony requires unity. Doing your job well requires that you cooperate; the cooperation of others lets you do your job well. 日記,是一個人生活的軌轍 日記,是一個人成長的寫照 日記,是一個人經驗的記載 日記,是一個人生命的歷史 A diary is the map of your life. A diary is the chart of your growth. A diary is the record of your experience. A diary is the history of your past. 凡事不可過份希望於人,必須窮身力行,方能有濟 凡事不可過份執著於己,必須集思廣益,才能成功 Don't depend on others: rely on yourself for success. Don't be stubborn: to succeed,get other opinions. 常以「尊敬」「信實」,與上司溝通,下情自能上達 能以「尊重」、「信任」,與部屬往來,上令必能下行 Respect your boss when you must talk to him. Respect your subordinates,and trust them to carry out orders. 為自求進步,應該以「養氣」代替「怨氣」 為成就事業,應該以「和氣」代替「意氣」 To succeed in life, cultivate spirtuality instead of complaint. To succeed in business,cultivate harmony instead of passion. 過多的愛護並非不好 但要受得起也給得起 受得起不會給人失望 給得起不會辜負人意 Too much caring is not necessarily bad, but one should know how to receive and to give. Being able to receive, you encourage others; being able to give, you satisfy others. 少年要有禮贊生命的感恩 青年要有自覺信念的價值 壯年要有活水源頭的精進 老年要有歡喜生活的平靜 Children should praise and be grateful for life. Youth should awaken to the value of faith. Young men and women should gush like a fountain. The elderly should enjoy a tranquil life. 人生最大的福報,莫如無病康健 處世最大的樂事,莫如無事免難 The luckiest thing is to be healthy. The happiest thing is to be secure. 對財物要有惜福、惜情、惜緣的珍惜之心 對事物要有盡善、盡美、盡心的無愧之念 We must cherish property as we do merit, love and sentiment, and affinity. We must manage our business well to avoid regrets. 做事要發心,開發心地才能生長萬物 待人要慈悲,與慈行悲才能得到人緣 Ambition in business can increase merit and virtue. Treating people with compassion makes for good relationships. 思想要有活見解 做事須下死工夫 Thinking requires fresh ideas. Working requires real effort. 越多做,越能做 越會忙,越能忙 The more you do, the more you can do. The busier you are,the busier you can be. 身體有病,要靠醫生來診療 心靈生病,要靠自己來醫治 Illness is cured by a doctor. Madness is cured by yourself. 為人要有品德 做事要有品質 立業要有品格 生活要有品味 To behave well, be moral. To handle affairs, be good. To conduct business,be upright. To live well, have good taste. 為人之德只在「謙讓」 修身之道只在「正派」 行善之要只在「喜捨」 朋友之交只在「情義」 The highest virtue is modesty. The way of practice is righteousness. The key to good deeds is generosity. The key to making friends is kindness and justice. 過份節儉者,會給人指為吝啬 過份謙讓者,會給人譏為畏縮 過份膽小者,會給人評為卑賤 過份快速者,會給人認為馬虎 Too much frugality is called stinginess. Too much modesty is called prudery. Too much caution is called timidity. Too little caution is called recklessness. 勤則家興 懶則家傾 儉則家富 奢則家貧 Diligence makes a family wealthy. Laziness makes a family decline. Frugality makes a family prosper. Extravagance makes a family poor. 儉樸是窮人的財富 儉樸是富人的智慧 儉僕是治國的要件 儉樸是廉潔的品德 Thrift brings fortune to the poor. Thrift is the virtue of the rich. Thrift is essential to ruling a country. Thrift is a virtue that cannot be corrupted. 處事依據道理 行為遵循倫理 做人要能講理 學道須究真理 In business, be principled. In society, be ethical. To get along, be reasonable. To practice Buddhism, learn the truth. 委屈自己,才能跟人團結 自我犧牲,才能跟人合作 To unite, compromise. To work with others, be flexible. 用容顏表達歡喜 用雙肩擔當責任 用微笑美化人生 用胸懷包容一切 Show happiness with your expression. Bear responsibilities with your shoulders. Make a better life with your smile. Embrace the world with your heart. 在發怒的時候有慈悲的心腸 在慈悲的時候有發怒的認真 在擁有的時候有喜捨的個性 在喜捨的時候有擁有的感受 When you are angry, also be compassionate. When you are compassionate,also be serious. When you own something, you can enjoy giving. When you practice joyful giving, you can feel you own something. 若能以「牛馬」精神服務大眾,必為大家尊敬 若能以「龍象」姿態成就事業,必為社會中堅 If we serve others like cattle or horses, we will be respected. If we succeed in business like the dragon or elephant, we can be society's elite. 面對苦惱時,不要傷心流淚,要以悲憤為力量 面對委屈時,不要歎息失望,要以忍耐為擔當 面對誘惑時,不要虛榮迷茫,要以禅定為舟航 面對榮耀時,不要患得患失,要以克制為良方 Facing trouble,don't be sad and weep, but transform sorrow to strength. Facing grievance,don't sigh and be disappointed, but shoulder it with patience. Facing temptation, don't be lost, but sail on with meditation, and mindfulness. Facing honor, don't calculate gain or loss, but be restrained.
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