一句良言,能為失望的人帶來重生的希望 一絲燈光,能為夜行的人帶來行路的安全 一口饘粥,能為饑餓的人帶來生存的力量 一把雨傘,能為風雨歸人帶來干爽的喜悅 A kind word brings hope to the disadvantaged. A little light brings safety to night travelers. A little porridge brings strength to the hungry. An umbrella brings joy to those in the rain. 一個良將,殘兵敗卒也能訓練成勇士 一個明醫,枯木朽石也能炮制成仙丹 一個名匠,破銅爛鐵也能鍛煉成精鋼 一個巧婦,剩菜殘羹也能烹煮成佳肴 A skillful sergeant makes tigers of cowards. A skillful physician cures with weeds. A skillful worker makes steel from old pots. A skillful cook delights with scraps. 生命尊嚴不在於它的絢麗,而在於它為後人所帶來的懷念 生命的意義不在於它的長久,而在於它為後人所帶來的典范 Life's dignity lies in creating an everlasting memory,not in a brief moment of glory. Life's meaning lies in one's service as a model for the generations, not in the number of one's years. 見人善行要多方贊美 見人迷惑要多方提醒 見人推崇要多方奮勉 見人毀謗要多方警惕 Commend others when they do good. Remind others when they are deluded. Word harder when others are promoted. Be alert when others are slandered. 我們要學習說愛語、做善事、存好心,散播「三好」的種子 我們要學習講仁義、講道義、講恩義,發揚「三義」的氣節 Learn to speak loving words,perform good deeds,and embrace good hearts.This is the way to spread good seeds. Learn to be benevolent,moral,and grateful.This is the way to spread the spirit of righteousness. 修橋鋪路,是給予大眾的方便 說法度眾,是給予他人的成長 不生惡念,是給予自己的淨化 常行善事,是給予社會的美化 Build bridges and roads to serve commerce. Theach sentient beings to help them grow. Purify yourself to transform evil thinking. Do good to perfect your life. 人人做警察,伸張公理,提倡正義 人人做義工,守望相助,相互扶持 人人做善人,服務奉獻,勸人為善 人人做良民,奉公守法,盡忠職守 Be a policeman:promote right-eousness and justice. Be a volunteer:watch and help each other. Be a good person:serve others and persuade them to do good. Be a good citizen:respect the law and be loyal. 從工作中學習做人的道理,工作就是學校 從職業中揣摩生命的意義,職業就是道場 When you learn about life from your work,your job is like a school. Wnen you learn abuot life from your job,your workplace is like a monastery. 賢明的父母,不會嫌棄笨拙的兒女 道尊的師長,不會捨棄難教的子弟 量大的主管,不會氣惱愚昧的屬下 有德的官員,不會討厭頑強的民眾 Wise parents do not cease caring for backward children. Competent teachers do not give up on stubborn students. Generous managers are not put off by dull subordinates. Honest officials are not fearful of assertive citizens. 現代資訊,要能具備教育的功能 現代資訊,要能富含文化的價值 現代資訊,要能表達事實的真象 現代資訊,要能促進人類的交流 Modern information should be instructive. Modern information should have cultural value. Modern information should be truthful. Modern information should communicate. 傳播業者,要能具有職業的道德 傳播業者,要能尊重別人的隱私 傳播業者,要能努力地攝取新知 傳播業者,要能不斷地改革創新 Journalists shoudld be creative. Journalists should be ethical. Journalists should be curious. Journalists should be discreet. 記者,要多報導世間的溫馨面 記者,要多報導社會的善美面 記者,要多報導思想的光明面 記者,要多報導人生的道德面 Journalists,report the grandeur of society. Journalists,report the brilliance of our thinkers. Journalists,report the moral side of life. Journalists,report the world's good deeds. 駕駛,要有安全第一的理念 駕駛,要有服務至上的精神 駕駛,要有忍耐柔和的雅量 駕駛,要有親切和藹的態度 Drivers,be patient. Drivers,be amiable. Drivers,think of safety first. Drivers,yield the road to others. 老師,要有觀極逗教的智慧 老師,要有行解並重的理念 老師,要有不捨一人的慈悲 老師,要有師徒同尊的胸襟 Teachers,know your students' talents. Teachers,emphasize understanding and practice. Teachers,do not overlook any student. Teachers,respect all your students. 教育,不是知識的瓦礫,而是學問的保壘 教育,不是教條的枯籐,而是生命的花園 教育,不是裝飾的花蔓,而是深邃的內涵 教育,不是溺愛的禮物,而是佛心的泉源 Education is not a wilerness of facts but the palace of learning. Education is not the dry vine of doctrine but the garden of life. Education is not pretty flowers but profound learning. Education is not a toy for the pampered but the source of the Buddha mind. 現代教育要能光大人文思想的內涵 現代教育要能發揚歡喜融和的精神 現代教育要能推動福慧雙修的理念 現代教育要能實踐解行並重的教化 Modern education should enhance the essence of humanistic thinking. Modern education should promote the spirit of joy and harmony. Modern education should advocate the idea of cultivation of fortune and wisdom. Modern education should emphasize the importance of both learning and practice. 平庸的老師,只會敘述 良好的老師,懂得講解 優異的老師,能夠示范 偉大的老師,重在啟發 A mediocre teacher lectures. A good teacher explains. An excellent teacher demonstrates. A great teacher inspires. 觀世音菩薩尋聲救苦,布施無畏,是茫茫苦海中的義工 地藏王菩薩地獄不空,誓不成佛,是熱惱煉獄裡的義工 Avalokitesvara,Bodhisattva of the suffering sea,responds to sentient beings and removes their fear. Ksitigarbha,Bodhisattva of the hell,vows to save their inmates before he becomes a Buddha. 有為的老師,就像蠟燭一樣,燃燒自己,照亮學生 有德的老師,就像蓮花一樣,吐露芬芳,嘉惠學子 An able teacher shines like a candle. A virtuous teacher is fragrant like a lotus. 受教者,應如「虛空」接納一切方能容受真理 施教者,須像「虛空」無所不相才能同事攝受 Students who study the Buddha's teachings without prejudice will accept them. Teachers who instruct without prejudice will be believed. 病人將生命和健康交給醫護人員 醫護人員將時間青春奉獻給病人 Patients rely on their doctors and nurses. Doctors and nurses are devoted to patients. 義工,為冷漠機械的社會增添了光熱 義工,為人情紙薄的潮流注入了情義 義工,為貪婪自私的行為留下了身教 義工,為爭名逐利的人群散播了開示 Volunteers add light and warmth to a dull society. Volunteers bring kindness and justice to a cold society. Volunteers are models for the greedy and selfish. Volunteers bring the teachings to the ambitious. 消防人員的力量,可以讓災難消弭於無形 消防人員的勇氣,可以將危險轉化為平安 消防人員的信心,可以把事故降低到最小 消防人員的情義,可以使傷害得到了撫慰 The strength of firefighters averts disaster. The courage of firefighters restores safety. The confidence of firefighters minimizes damage. The kindness of firefighters comforts the injured. 我們要做橋梁,溝通人際的情誼 我們要做道路,促進社會的繁榮 我們要做舟船,利濟民眾的交流 我們要做車乘,代替大家的腳步 Be a bridge connecting people with each other. Be society's road to prosperity. Be a ferry bearing people over rough seas. Be a car taking people to the future. 勞工努力生產,為國家作出最大的貢獻 農夫勤於耕種,使民眾免於衣食的匮乏 工商將本求利,為人群提供最大的方便 教師作育英才,使社會擁有無窮的希望 Laborers,work hard to build the nation. Farmers,work hard to feed the people. Businessmen,work hard to enrich society. Teachers,work hard to educate the young. 義工經常到處奔跑,好像很辛苦其實是世界上最快樂的人 義工時時為人著想,好像在利他其實最大的收獲還是自己 Do not think that volunteers suffer from having no fixed place to work.In truth,they are the world's happiest people. Do not think that volunteers benefit others at their own expense.In truth,they reap the biggest harvest for themselves. 教育界要能努力興學,作育英才 傳播界要能笃實客觀,正面報導 工商界要能改善品質,增加生產 政治界要能重視人權,為民謀福 Educators,teach effectively. Journalists,be honest and uplifting. Businessmen,improve quality and increase production. Officials,protect society and human rights. 親民廉能,為政居官之要 務實本份,做人處世之本 Officeials,be incorruptible and compassionate. Be modest and pragmatic in society and business. 孝親不辭勞苦,自為兒孫好榜樣 行善不望回報,必為兒孫積善福 Show filial piety,be a model for the children. Accumulate merits by doing good without reward. 孝順父母不要等百年,在世時就要孝順 教育兒女不要等成年,幼年時就要開始 Show filial piety to parents right now;don't wait until they die. Educate children young;don't wait until they grow up. 「好」學生:在榮耀、鼓勵中成長 「壞」學生:在贊美、輔導中成就 Good students grow through honor and praise. Bad students improve with assistance. 軍營是孕育英雄的搖籃 學校是陶冶青年的洪爐 僧團是培養聖賢的淨土 內心是造就自己的道場 Military camp is the cradle of heroes. School is the melting pot of youth. Sangha is a pureland to cultivate sages. Mind is a temple to cultivate oneself. 自我改革,要有作有為,不能空談 關懷別人,要有聲有色,及時表達 Reform yourself;don't just talk about doing it. Without hesitation,act for others. 自己做不到的事,不可強求於人 別人做不到的事,不可強求於人 Don't ask others to do what you cannot do. Don't ask others to do what they cannot do. 以慈眼、慧眼、法眼、佛眼洞察世間實相 用善聽、谛聽、兼聽、全聽關懷人間疾苦 Realize the truth with compassionate eyes,wisdom eyes,Dharma eyes,and Buddha eyes. Care about the world's suffering with good listening,careful listening,inclusive listening,and complete listening. 極樂世界寶樹羅列,水鳥說法這是現代環保生態的先驅 極樂世界樓閣嚴麗,階道井然這是現代都市計劃的榜樣 In the pureland of ultimate bliss are watered orchards of precious trees,and the birds are teaching.They are the pioneers of modern ecology. In the pureland of ultimate bliss the houses are beautiful,the roads and stairs are tidy.This is the model of modern urban planning. 極樂世界盛眾妙華,供養他國,這是現代國際往來的型態 極樂世界諸上善人,聚會一處,這是現代領袖治國的方向 In the pureland of ultimate bliss,many offer flowers to the Buddhas of other worlds.This is the model of international communication. In the pureland of ultimate bliss,all good people gather together.This is the direction for modern leaders. 晦暗的世界,唯有佛日慈悲才能增輝 矇眬的人心,唯有法燈智慧才能照亮 Only compassion can bring light to the dark world. Only the Dharma light and wisdom can illuminate dark minds. 做人要知感恩,感恩的人表示做人的資本雄厚 做事要知情理,明理的人表示做事的方法融通 Showing that you are grateful wins new friends and keeps old ones. In business,gain friends through correct practice. 責備的話中要帶有撫慰 批評的話中要帶有贊揚 訓誡的話中要帶有推崇 命令的話中要帶有尊重 Before you blame,comfort. Before you criticize,praise. Before you admonish,commend. Before you command,respect. 忘恩負義者,應以慈悲及感恩治之 瞋恚嫉妒者,應以寬厚及包容治之 誹謗賢明者,應以贊歎及歌頌治之 自贊毀他者,應以慚愧及自責治之 Treat ingratitude with compassion and gratitude. Treat hatred and jealousy with magnanimity and tolerance. Treat slander with praise. Treat those who praise themselves while slandering others with con-science. 聖賢,耳裡聽到的,都是眾生求救的聲音 聖賢,手裡做著的,都是福利社會的事業 聖賢,眼中看到的,都是淨土美好的風光 聖賢,口裡說出的,都是親切柔和的愛語 Sages hear calls for help from all beings. Sages speak kind and tender words. Sages undertake to benefit society. Sages see the wonderful pureland. 當年輕力強時,應以體力報答人間 當腦力尚佳時,應以智慧貢獻人類 When you are young,repay the world with your strength. When you are old,repay the world with your wisdom. 應以道理說服他人 應以寧靜克制妄動 應以誠懇感化世間 應以慈悲折報敵對 Persuade with reason. Bridle recklessness through tranquility. Reform the world with sincerity. Subdue your enemy with compassion. 一顆鑽石,勝過百粒珍珠 一事立功,勝過千人推舉 一步謹慎,勝過萬般防備 一念慈悲,勝過億兆修為 Better a smile than ages of selfishness. Better the deed than the praiof the crowd. Better a diamond than barrels of shining pearls. Better discretion than bitter regret. 智者以知,了解一切 仁者以愛,包容一切 勇者以義,犧牲一切 忠者以誠,奉獻一切 Wise poole understand by their wisdom. Good people tolerate out of love. Brave people sacrifice out of courage. Loyal people are faithful out of devotion. 為真理服務最有價值 為眾生服務最為光榮 Above all,serve the truth. Above all,serve every being. 以智慧淨水,洗清妄想分別 以般若火炬,照亮內心世界 The water of wisdom cleanses us of delusion and discrimination. The lamp of prajna lights our inner world. 關閉六根之賊,禁足妄想之心 正觀三毒魔軍,清淨身口意業 了悟五蘊非有,不受煩惱纏縛 如是實踐之人,方為有道聖者 Imprison the six thieves,the senses:don't let them delude you. Shun the three poisons:greed,hatred,and ignorance. Purify your body,mind,and thoughts. Realize the emptiness of five aggregates;don't worry about anything. If you practice this,you will be accounted a sage. 三無漏學可以對治貪瞋的弊害 五停心觀可以消除煩惱的陰霾 八正道分可以抹去邪行的污垢 六波羅蜜可以渡過人生的苦海 The three teachings of discipline,meditation,and wisdom can cure greed and hatred. The five meditations for settling the mind can get rid of defilement. The noble eightfold path can wipe out the stains of bad deeds. The six perfections can ferry us across the suffering sea of life. 不要信神,不要信鬼,相信真理最重要 不要妄想,不要妄為,不如實干最重要 不要愛酒,不要愛色,要愛家庭最重要 不要空說,不要空話,要說真話最重要 Belive in the real,not in gods and ghosts. Be responsible,don't daydream or be reckless. Love your family,eschew wine and lust. Speak true,not hollow words. 貪心要用捨心來對治 瞋心要用慈心來駕御 癡心要用智心來領導 慢心要用虛心來管理 疑心要用信心來感化 染心要用淨心來去除 亂心要用定心來影響 妄心要用真心來掌控 Change hate to loving. Change greed to giving. Change delusion to wisdom. Change suspicion to friendship. Change arrogance to modesty. Change defilement to purity. Change worry to peace. Change illusion to truth. 有慧解更要有悲愍 有勇氣更要有靈巧 有金錢更要有道德 有口說更要有真心 Besides intelligence,we need compassion. Besides courage,we need skill. Besides money,we need morality. Besides eloquence,we need sinceerity. 以慈悲的雙手,撫平自己的清淨本心 以般若的智慧,圓滿他人的自在人生 With wisdom,make your mind pure. With compassionate hands,improve the lives of others. 想要千人頭上坐,先在萬人腳下行 唯有先作眾生的馬牛,才能成為最佳的龍象 To be outstanding,begin by serving the people. When we serve the people like cattle or horses,we can become a dragon or elephant. 發願作一支蠟燭,燃燒自己,照亮別人 發願作一支畫筆,采繪世界,增添美麗 發願作一盞路燈,照破黑暗,指引光明 發願作一棵大樹,枝繁葉茂,庇陰路人 發願作一本書籍,展現真理,給人智慧 發願作一方大地,普載眾生,生長萬物 Vow to be a candle giving light to others. Vow to be an artist's brush adding to the world's beauty. Vow to be a streetlight showing the way. Vow to be a tree offering its branches for shade to passersby. Vow to be a book of truth and wisdom. Vow to be the earth that nurtures plants and cradles sentient beings. 發願作一朵鮮花,吐露芬芳,給人清香 發願作一陣和風,吹拂枯槁,撫慰創傷 發願作一縷白雲,遮蔽炎威,帶來清涼 發願作一彎彩虹,光華萬千,照耀環宇 發願作一輪滿月,高掛夜空,輝映人間 發願作一個冬陽,溫暖大地,成熟萬物 Vow to be a flower bearing fragrance. Vow to be a cloud bringing coolness. Vow to be a breeze bringing comfort. Vow to be a rainbow bearing beauty. Vow to be the full moon shedding light. Vow to be the winter sun shedding warmth. 尊敬一個人,要散播他的善行 肯定一個人,要延續他的願心 Respect others by publicizing their good deeds. Support others by carrying out their vows. 一者禮敬諸佛,就是實踐人格的尊重 二者稱贊如來,就是實踐語言的贊美 三者廣修供養,就是實踐心意的布施 四者忏悔業障,就是實踐行為的改進 五者隨喜功德,就是實踐善事的資助 First,honoring the Buddhas means respecting others. Second,praising the Buddhas means praising others. Third,making rich offerings means practicing mental generosity. Fourth,repenting transgressions means improving our actions. Fifth,aiding benefactors means supporting good deeds. 六者請轉法 輪,就是實踐佛法的弘傳 七者請佛住世,就是實踐聖賢的護持 八者常隨佛學,就是實踐真理的追隨 九者恆順眾生,就是實踐民意的重視 十者普皆回向,就是實踐圓滿的功德 Sixth,turning the Dharma wheel means spreading Buddhist teachings. Seventh,inviting the Buddha to reside in the world means supporting the sages. Eighth,learning from the Buddha means following the truth. Ninth,observing public opinion means satisfying people's desires. Tenth,transferring your merits to everyone means perfecting your merits. 每日所說的言語,要是善良柔美的好話 每日所做的事情,要得利益大眾的好事 每日所存的心意,要有祝福他人的好心 每日所走的道路,要能走出社會的光明 Every day love humanity. Every day speak kind and gentle words. Every day do good for your neighbors. Every day advance towards the world's bright future. 隨處給人歡喜 隨時給人信心 隨手給人服務 隨緣給人方便 Give people happiness everywhere. Give people confidence always. Give people service at every chance. Give people comfort on every occasion. 為人父母者 能有「三分師徒,七分道友」的認知則子女不僅是自己的骨肉,更是自己的朋友 為人師長者 能有「三分師徒,七分道友」的涵養則弟子不僅是自己的晚輩,更是自己的同參 If parents carry out the principle of “three parts guidance and seven parts friendship,” children can be both their kin and their friends. If teachers carry out the principle of “three parts guidance and seven parts friendship,” pupils can be both their disciples and their equals. 為人長官者 能有「三分師徒,七分道友」的體認則部下不僅是自己的袍屬,更是自己的同事 If officials carry out the principle of “three parts guidance and seven parts friendship,” subordinates can be both their comrades and their colleagues. 我們能擁有天下父母心,則天下人都是我們的兒女 我們能具有天下孝順心,則天下人都是我們的父母 When we bear a parent's concern for all children,every child is our own. When we bear filial piety for all elders,every elder is our parent. 為人做事要有忠誠心 朋友相交要有信義心 事奉父母要有孝養心 厚待賢者要有恭敬心 Conduct yourself virtuously and do business in the spirit of loyalty. Make friends in the spirit of trust and goodness. Serve parents in the spirit of filial piety. Treat good people in the spirit of respect. 對世間要有感恩的美德 對生活要有勤儉的習慣 對物質要有知足的修養 對他人要有喜捨的布施 Be grateful to the human world. Cultivate diligence and frugality. Be content with what you have. Practice generosity. 願力非即興的發心,而是永世的承諾 願力不是內心一念,而是實踐的行為 A vow is a lasting promise,not a monmentary impulse. A vow aspires to action,not just to be a thought. 惜福結緣是美德 尊重包容是大量 服務喜捨是奉獻 勤儉上進是勇敢 Accepting what you have and making good affinity with others epitomize righteousness. Respect and tolerance of others epitonmize magnanimity. Service and generosity epitomize dedication. Diligence,frugality,and hard work epitomize courage. 眼不看不淨,常以善目喜勵別人 身不做暴行,常以手腳服務大眾 口不說惡言,常以口舌美化社會 心不起瞋恨,常以柔軟溝通彼此 Don't glower:encourage with gentle glances. Don't be cruel:serve with gentle hands. Don't scold:speak with gentle words. Don't hate:uplift with gentle actions. 以語言三昧給人歡喜 以文字般若給人智慧 以利行無畏給人依靠 以同事攝受給人信心 Cheer with happy words. Enlighten with wise words. Protect people from intimidation. Work for everybody's interest. 慈悲為懷是對的,但如果放縱歹徒姑息養奸,就是「錯誤」的 隨緣無求是好的,但如是喪失原則不知變通,就是「錯誤」的 孝順父母是對的,但如果助其惡行耽誤前途,就是「錯誤」的 It is right to be compassionate;it is wrong to coddle the wicked. It is right to follow causes and conditions without demanding much;it is wrong to act without principle or to be rigid. It is right to show filial piety;it is wrong to countenance yourparents'destructive mistakes. 廣交朋友是好的,但如果結黨組派陷害他人,就是「錯誤」的 考試掄才是對的,但如果偏重成績選人失當,就是「錯誤」的 出國深造是好的,但如果浮誇虛榮不切實際,就是「錯誤」的 It is right to make friends;it is wrong to gang up on outsiders. It is right to select candidates according to their test scores;it is wrong to choose bad candidates merely because they scored well. It is right to study abroad;it is wrong to brag about it. 貪欲的人,要以喜捨來幫助他 瞋眼的人,要以慈悲來感化他 愚癡的人,要以慧心來引導他 疑嫉的人,要以信念來攝受他 Reform the greedy with generosity. Transform the hateful with compassion. Guide the ignorant with wisdom. Lead the suspicious with faith. 用寬容的鑰匙,打開褊狹的心扉 用智慧的寶劍,斬斷煩惱的情執 用愛心的藥石,修補創傷的痛楚 用歡喜的法水,滋潤煩憂的人生 Use the key of tolerance to open the narrow mind. Use the sword of wisdom to cut through the defilement of passion. Use the medicine of love to cure the hurt of the wounded. Use the Dharma water of joyfulness to nurture troubled lives. 會做事的人將事情做「活」了所以能越做越大 會下棋的人將棋子下「活」了所以能全盤皆贏 會撰文的人將文字寫「活」了所以能感動人心 會講演的人將道理講「活」了所以能引起共鳴 Able workers reach their goals. Cunning players finish first. Great writers touch readers' hearts. Eloquent speakers draw a crowd. 忍耐,才能和氣致祥 悔過,才能提起勇氣 Patience leads to harmony. Repentance leads to courage. 能夠隨緣不變,行事才有目標原則 能夠不變隨緣,做人才能收放自如 When you virtuously pursue causes and conditions,you will keep your busines on the right track. 人有享不到的福,沒有受不了的苦 人要做正人君子,不要做消極好人 If you cannot be lucky,at least you can learn to tolerate the intolerable. Be truly righteous,not a phony. 讀書,以融通為主要,以方法、技巧為輔助 讀書,以勤熟為功效,以用心、下手為實際 When you study,master your subject by skillful application of proven methods. When you study,master your subject through diligence and attentiveness. 用體諒的心對待親情 用結緣的心對待友情 用淨化的心對待愛情 用尊重的心對待道情 Honor your family and kin. Make affinity with friends. Love with a pure mind. Respect fellow devotees of the Buddha. 眼睛常看世界萬象與眾生 耳朵常聽清淨梵音與經教 口舌常贊十方聖賢與法語 心中常想佛陀盛德與真言 雙手緊握時代脈動與人心 雙腳踏遍大地山河與法界 Eye sees the world and all beings therein. Ear hears the teachings and the chanting. Tongue hails the sages of the ten directions and speaks Dharma words. Mind mirrors the Buddha's teachings. Hand embraces the cosmos. Foot walks the dharma-dhatu. 對年青人要教育鼓勵 對老年人要關懷照顧 對殘障者要幫助輔導 對失意人要體貼規勸 Educate youth. Care for the elderly. Assist the handicapped. Help the disadvantaged. 真誠勤勉,用以任事 慈悲發心,用以行善 平和無私,用以做人 超越名利,用以處世 Be honest and diligent in your work. Be compassionate and aspire to do good. Be tranquil and selfess to get along. Rise aboy profit and status. 能施者是富者 耐勞者是能者 任怨得是賢者 容人者是智者 Those who give are rich. Those who work hard are competent. Those who endure criticism are virtuous. Those who tolerate are wise. 好話不嫌多,好話可以為世界帶來和平 好事不嫌多,好事可以為人間帶來希望 好心不嫌多 好心可以為社會帶來光明 You can't speak too well of others:good words bring world peace. You can't do too much good:good deeds bring hope. You can't be too kind:kindness makes society glow. 做事的秘訣是舉重若輕 說話的秘訣是條理分明 修行的秘訣是平常用心 持戒的秘訣是真實不虛 禅坐的秘訣是忘失時空 念佛的秘訣是心口皆佛 The key to business is solving problems. The key to speaking is clear reasoning. The key to practice is practicing every monment. The key to observing precepts is sincerity. The key to meditation is forgetting time and space. The key to chanting is speaking and thinking the Buddha's name. 睡眠的秘訣是無所罣礙 弘法的秘訣是慈悲結緣 認錯的秘訣是要有勇氣 讀書的秘訣是明事明理 健康的秘訣是少吃多走 人我的秘訣是你對我錯 精進的秘訣是為己而作 法喜的秘訣是放下自在 The key to sleeping is putting aside worries. The key to spreading the teachings is compassion and affinity. The key to admitting mistakes is courage. The key to study is intelligence and flexibility. The key to health is walking more and eating less. The key to relationship is, “I am wrong and you are right.” The key to diligence is self-interest. The key to Dharma joy is freedom from cares. 編輯要靠發行,出版的書籍才有生命 發行要靠編輯,流通的刊物才有內涵 Do not count on books and magazines to spread your views unless you can first sell them. To boost the sales of gooks and magazines,edit them with care. 能將蠻橫化導為開明,需要給他利益 能將仇恨消弭於無形,需要善於言論 能將欲望淡泊而無求,需要授予真理 能將頑強感化成馴良,需要對人謙讓 Civlizing barbarous people requires offering them reasons. Dispelling hatred requires kind speech. Diminishing people's desires requires teaching them the truth. Subduing the stubborn requires modesty. 有人無己,乃菩薩發心 先人後己,是聖賢行誼 有己有人,不失為君子 有己無人,十足小人也 Acting in the interests of others is the only aspiration of a Bodhisattva. Acting in the interests of others first is the act of a sage. Acting in the interests of others and self is the act of a virtuous person. Acting in self-interest only is the act of a mean person. 團結就是互相分工合作,合作才能團結 融和就是彼此平等尊重,尊重才能融和 Unity means working together;working together leads to unity. Harmony mean respecting others;respect leads to harmony. 忘記自我利益,是聖人 擺脫私人利益,是偉人 看重自己利益,是凡人 忽略別人利益,是小人 The sage is indifferent to his interests. The hero cares for others' interests. The empty man is devoted to his interests. The scoundrel disdains others' interests. 平等必須植基於人我互尊要能不分大小、不分貧富都要互尊 和平必須要從平等中建立要能不分強弱、不分上下才能和平 Equality requires mutual respect: respecting the weak and the poor promotes equality. Peace demands equal treatment for all: not discriminating against the weak promotes peace. 政治需要佛教的輔助教化,如無輔助教化,何能彰顯政治的功能? 佛教需要政治的護持弘傳,如不護持弘傳,何能實現佛教的主張? The state needs Buddhism to educate; without Buddhist education, how can the state carry on? Buddhism needs the state to spread its teachings; without the state, how can the teachings be realized? 尊重他人的自由,以奉持五戒代替侵占掠奪 尊重生命的價值,以喜捨布施代替傷生害命 尊重大眾的擁有,以共享福利代替自私自利 尊重天地的生機,以環保護生代替破壞殘殺 Respect rights: observe the five precepts and do not trespass on others. Respect feelings: practice generosity and do not hurt others. Respect property: serve society and do not be selfish. Respect the earth: protect the environment and do not kill and destroy. 貧苦的人不一定渴求別人的救濟,他們要的是生活的尊嚴 貧苦的人不一定期盼別人的呵護,他們要的是奮發的意志 The poor do not necessarily look for help; they want dignity. The poor do not necessarily need assistance; they need the will to strive. 慚愧如服,可以莊嚴身心 忏悔如水,可以淨化性靈 Conscience is the clothing that dignifies body and mind. Repentance is the water that purifies heart and mind. 「行善」要有福德慈悲 「教化」要有般若智慧 行善教化二者不可偏廢 教化行善才能契合佛心 To do good requires compassion. To educate others requires wisdom. Doing good and education are both vital. They conform to the mind of the Buddha. 不念舊惡,才能化阻力為助力 不退道心,必能轉煩惱為菩提 Avoid grudges; transform hindrance into power. Persist in your practice;transform defilement into enlightenment. 生活要佛法化 信仰要理智化 處事要平和化 修持要日常化 Live like a Buddhist. Believe rationally. Do business serenely. Practice daily. 學道要學三個字:經律論 修行要修三個字:戒定慧 除過要除三個字:貪瞋癡 用心要用三個字:聞思修 To walk the Buddhist path, learn sutra(Buddhist scriptures), vinaya (disciplines), and abhidharma(philosophical treatises)。 To practice and cultivate,practice precepts,meditation, and wisdom. To get rid of defilement, get rid of greed, hatred, and ignorance. To be attentive, listen, think, and practice what we learn. 人若近賢良,譬如入花圃,久而自馨香 人若近邪友,譬如入魚肆,即刻薰臭氣 Going with virtuous friends is like going to a garden: you will be fragrant. Going with bad friends is like going to a fish market: you will stink. 讀書明理,自己有幾分受用 言說講理,他人有幾個點頭 At all times,think. How much do you gain from your reading? How many acquaintances agree with your opinions? 尊重不是說說就算了,而要身體力行 共識不是知道就好了,而是要動作一致 Respect requires not empty talk,but action. Unanimity requires not shared ideas, but action. 為人服務者,總散發光熱 利益別人者,總散播快樂 對人友愛者,總給人歡喜 幫助別人者,總給人溫暖 Those who serve always bring light and warmth. Those who give always spread happiness. Those who are friendly always bring cheer. Those who help always bring joy.
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